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Browsing Groups


The Groups page contains a table view of all roles to which a user located in a specific area has access.

Browsing Groups - Table view


The Groups page offers the possibility to filter groups by search keyword.

  • Searching by keywords matches groups by exact keywords and displays them in the table list below, highlighting the matching word

Browsing Groups - Search by keyword and highlight the matching word


The Groups list contains the following actions:

  • Add Group

    • Pressing “+” on the right side will open a quick setup pop-up window to create a new group under one of the selected groups.

    • By selecting "Add Group" in the upper right corner of the screen, you can create a new group and open the setup.

  • Delete Group

    • To delete a created group, press the button "x".

    • Another option is to open the group itself and press the “Delete Group” button.

      Browsing Groups - Delete Group

  • Edit Group

    • Press the pencil icon on the right side next to the group that should be edited. A new dialog pop-up window opens where group names can be edited.

    • Otherwise, navigate to a group and press the Edit Group button to edit the group name.

      Browsing Groups - Edit Group

Next Steps

Now you are ready to create a group and set a group as the default

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