The grid preferences allow to tweak the look and feel of a dashboard. There are several options to configure the grid system.
Changing the grid preferences
To change the grid preferences of a dashboard, perform the following steps:
While viewing a dashboard, click on the Config button in the top right corner to unveil the grid and widget library.
In the left sidebar, you will see the Widget Library. Click on the CogIcon Button at the top of the sidebar.
Tweak your grid by applying changes in the Grid preferences section.
Publish your changes made to the dashboard by clicking on Save in the top right corner.
Access Grid Preferences
Grid Preferences
Make sure you are in Config/Edit Mode of the
Grid Options in Sidebar
Overview of options
Grid Type
Changes the general layout and scroll behavior of the grid.
Fit to screen: Tha is the grid is suitable for typical monitoring dashboard, where all information should be visible without the need for scrolling. The grid resizes to the available screen space to ensure all widgets are visible. This type of grid only allows a fixed maximum of columns and rows.
Scroll vertical: This type of grid mimics the behavior of typical web pages, where users scroll down to unveil more content. This type of grid allows a high number of rows.
Scroll horizontal: This type of grid mimics the behavior of typical media libraries, where users have to scroll right to unveil more content. This type of grid allows a high number of columns.
Vertical Fixed: This grid type will set the rows to a fixed row height and the columns' width will fit the space available. This grid is only scrollable in the vertical direction and is the best choice to mimic a classic web page.
Horizontal Fixed: This grid type will set the columns to fixed column width and rows height will fit the space available. This grid is only scrollable in the horizontal direction and fits best for extra-wide screens.
Align Widgets
Aligns all widgets, depending on the selected position:
Up: Widgets will move closer to the top of the grid, if there is enough space.
Left: Widgets will move closer to the left side of the grid, if there is enough space.
Upper left corner: Widgets will move closer to the upper left corner of the grid, if there is enough space.
Right: Widgets will move closer to the right side of the grid, if there is enough space.
Upper right corner: Widgets will move closer to the upper right corner of the grid, if there is enough space.
Max number of columns
Changes the maximum amount of columns.
This field might not be changeable depending on which grid type has been selected.
Max number of rows
Changes the maximum amount of rows.
This field might not be changeable depending on which grid type has been selected.
Min number of columns
Changes the minimum amount of columns.
Min number of rows
Changes the minimum amount of rows.
Fixed row height
Changes the fixed height of rows
This field is only available on the grid type ‘Vertical Fixed’
Fixed column width
Changes the fixed width of columns
This field is only available on the grid type ‘Horizontal Fixed’
Show Border
Controls the surrounding space between the grid and the page. Disable this option if the grid should fully stretch to the edges of the page.
Advanced Mode
Shows or hides the maximum and minimum settings for rows and columns.
Enabled: Shows minimum and maximum settings for rows and columns
Disabled: Merges minimum and maximum settings for rows and columns and combines them in one setting, while minimum and maximum inputs are hidden. The value of this setting is then updating minimum and maximum in the background.
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