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Cloudinary is a cloud-based media management platform that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools for uploading, storing, transforming, and delivering images and videos. It offers a scalable infrastructure to handle media assets, allowing developers to easily integrate media management capabilities into their applications.

With Cloudinary, users can perform various image and video manipulations, such as resizing, cropping, and applying filters, through simple API calls. It also provides features like automatic optimization, responsive delivery, and content delivery network (CDN) integration to ensure fast and optimized media delivery across different devices and platforms.

You can find more details and the supported operations on Cloudinary | qibb Catalog.

How to get started with Cloudinary integration

Before you get started using Cloudinary integration please make sure that you have the needed permission for the operations. Here you can find Cloudinary API documentation.

  1. You will need an API Key, an API Secret and a Cloud Name for authentication.

  2. Get your API Key, Secret and Cloud Name from your Cloudinary account. You can see your credentials by navigating to the Programmable Media section.

  3. If you don't have an API Key and a Secret you can click on Settings button, redirect to API Keys page and click on Generate New API Key button.

  4. Go to qibb Workflow Editor, open Node Catalog in the right sidebar, and install Cloudinary node by clicking on the + button.

  5. Drag one of the Cloudinary nodes and any other nodes you need from the left sidebar and place them in your flow.

  6. Enter your Cloud Name in the related field of Parameters section. Then, enter your API Key and Secret in the Advanced/Security section of the node. Alternatively, you can configure the Basic Auth function node which is in the example flow. After completing these steps, you can start using the integration!


For some of the endpoints in Upload API, you need to generate a Signature and use it for request. Here you can find a documentation about generating signatures:
- Cloudinary Signatures
- Generate Upload Signature (Video Tutorial)

Importing flow examples of a node

Once you've successfully installed a node from the qibb catalog, you can easily import example flows that showcase how the nodes can be used. These example flows are directly accessible within the Flow Editor and are designed to guide users with helpful hints, including how to configure mandatory parameters and credentials.

Here's how to import examples:

  1. In the top right corner of the Flow Editor, click on the menu icon.

  2. Select Import to open the Import Dialog.

  3. Click on the Examples tab.

  4. Choose an example from the list.

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Import button.

By following these steps, you are now ready to make basic API calls using the provided examples. For further exploration of what’s possible, you can find more complex examples in the Flow Catalog.

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