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Managing members of a group


The following steps are required to manage the members of a group:

  1. Navigate and select Groups in the navigation sidebar

  2. Locate the Manage Members button for the desired group

    Groups table - Navigate to Manage Members

  3. After selecting the Manage Members button, a new window will open.

    1. To add a new member to the group, select the plus button at the end of the list with members.

      Manage Members of a Group Window

    2. After selecting the plus button, you can add a member by selecting it from the drop-down menu and then confirming it.

      Manage Members of a Group Window - Add a Member

    3. Use the delete button to delete a member

      Manage Members of a Group Window - Delete a Member

    4. Use the given navigation to navigate through the pages with group members.

The group member functionality is also available on the Groups Overview page:

  1. Navigate and select Groups in the navigation sidebar

  2. Select the respective group and click on it to open the Group Overview.

  3. Locate the Manage Members button.

    Group Overview - Manage Members

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