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OpenText Media Management


OpenText Media Management (OTMM) offers secure, controlled access to digital media assets. Media Management can support one billion+ assets, search 25+ metadata fields in under a second, manage large files from HD to 4K, 5K, 8K video, handle 60-petabyte storage requirements with storage optimization and support thousands of concurrent users. Available as a single-tenant managed service in the OpenText Experience Cloud, or deployed in any Cloud or data center.

To learn more about OpenText Media Management's services and supported operations, visit OpenText Media Management | qibb Catalog.

How to get started with OTMM integration

Before you get started with the OTMM API integration, please ensure that you have the necessary permissions and user credentials to perform the operations. Here you can find OTMM API documentation.

  1. Below are the different mechanisms to authenticate with OTMM using Media Management REST API. Choose one way to receive required authentication information, to perform subsequent requests:

    1. Basic: Invoke POST method on /v6/sessions resource with user credentials. The OTMM will validate user credentials and creates a session.

    2. Remote User Header: To configure remote user header, please refer to section "Configuring Remote User Header" in OpenText Media Management Integration guide. You should invoke GET method on /v6/sessions resource.

    3. Single Sign-On Resolver: To configure, please refer to section "Configuring Single Sign-On Resolver" in OpenText Media Management Integration guide. You should invoke GET method on /v6/sessions resource.

    4. OAuth 2.0 Token: To configure, please refer to section "Using OAuth2.0 to Access OTMM REST APIs" in OpenText Media Management Integration guide.

  2. For all the subsequent requests to OTMM with REST Services:

    1. Set JSESSIONID cookie in all the HTTP requests. (or)

    2. Set user message digest as a header (otmmauthtoken) in all the HTTP requests. You can find the user message digest in the response of the /v6/sessions request.
      Eg: otmmauthtoken: 3dba7a9383964e759b3427378d338febc4dc0485 . (or)

    3. Set OAuth2.0 access token as a Authorization header in all the HTTP requests.
      Eg: Authorization: Basic [access_token]

  3. Go to qibb Workflow Editor, open Node Catalog in the right sidebar, and install OTMM node by clicking on the + button.

  4. Modify the request header with your chosen authentication method, like mentioned in step 2.

  5. select any of the operations of OTMM node and you can start using the integration:


Importing flow examples of a node

Once you've successfully installed a node from the qibb catalog, you can easily import example flows that showcase how the nodes can be used. These example flows are directly accessible within the Flow Editor and are designed to guide users with helpful hints, including how to configure mandatory parameters and credentials.

Here's how to import examples:

  1. In the top right corner of the Flow Editor, click on the menu icon.

  2. Select Import to open the Import Dialog.

  3. Click on the Examples tab.

  4. Choose an example from the list.

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Import button.

By following these steps, you are now ready to make basic API calls using the provided examples. For further exploration of what’s possible, you can find more complex examples in the Flow Catalog.

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