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Account Profile Information

How to view the account profile information:

  1. You can access the Account Settings by selecting the corresponding "Account" button, which appears when you click on your username in the lower left corner of the navigation sidebar.

2. On the Account Profile page, in addition to the technical information, such as the User ID, you get information about

  • the date when the profile was created,

  • whether an account is enabled or not,

  • and if the corresponding email is verified.

In addition, the information about

  • email address and username and if they have specified it as a user,

  • their first name and last name.

In the upper right corner of the title you have the option to edit your profile and reset your password.

Edit Profile

  1. After pressing the Edit Profile button, a pop up window will open where you can change your E-mail, First Name and Last Name.

  2. After you have made your entries, you can confirm them by selecting the corresponding button. After that, the user profile and the profile view will be updated.

Account - Edit Profile Dialog

Reset Password

  1. After you click the Reset Password button, a pop-up window will appear asking you if you want to reset your password. You will also get more information about the process.

2. Select Confirm in the dialog box to reset the password.

Account - Reset Password Dialog

3. After confirmation, an update Update Your Account email will be sent to the specified account email address.

Account - Email

4. Select Link to account update link to continue.

5. In the following process you will be redirected to the qibb Log in page and asked to enter a new password and to confirm this new password.

6. After submitting and confirming the process, the new password is updated and can now be used to log in to qibb.

The password can be reset on any page of the account section.

Next Steps

A next step can be to Lookup user sessions as well as Set Account Preferences.

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