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Upload file via multipart form-data

This guide illustrates how to use a Node-RED function node to construct a request payload for posting file content with the content type multipart/form-data.


example: use multipart form-data to upload file


  1. Importing the File Module:

    Ensure that the File module is accessible within your qibb environment. If it's not already available, you can import it using the following code snippet:

    const File = global.get("File");
  2. Converting the File Content:

    Convert the file content into a Buffer object using the appropriate encoding. For example:

    const fileBuffer = Buffer.from(myMp3, 'binary');
  3. Specifying File Details:

    Define the filename and file type for the file being uploaded:

    const fileName = "blah.mp3";
    const fileType = "audio/mp3";
  4. Constructing the Payload:

    Create the payload object with the file information using the File constructor:

    msg.payload = { 
      "file": new File([fileBuffer], fileName, {type: fileType}) 
  5. Returning the Message:

    Assign the payload to the msg object and return it to proceed with further processing:

    return msg;


Consider the following example flow where a function node is used to construct the request payload:

// Import File module
const File = global.get("File");

// Convert file content to Buffer
const fileBuffer = Buffer.from(myMp3, 'binary');

// Specify file details
const fileName = "blah.mp3";
const fileType = "audio/mp3";

// Construct payload
msg.payload = {
    "file": new File([fileBuffer], fileName, {type: fileType})

// Return the message
return msg;

This payload can then be used in subsequent nodes to post file content with the specified content type.

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