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v1.33.0 was published on .


Enhanced qibb Security and Major Dependencies Update
  • Security Enhancements: We have implemented crucial security updates across the platform to bolster protection.

  • Dependencies Update: Key dependencies in essential services have been updated to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

New Features
  • Enhanced User Visibility Control: Improved management and visibility for secure cross-organizational collaboration.

  • Update Disclaimers for Nodes: Disclaimers have been added in the Nodes catalog according to the defined node update policy.

Feature Deprecation
  • Space Registry Access Removal: The Space Registry Access feature has been removed. The space registry secret will now be automatically created, simplifying qibb usage.

Various Improvements and Bug Fixes
  • General Enhancements: This update includes multiple improvements aimed at enhancing security, productivity, and user experience.

We are committed to continuously improving the security, performance, and usability of our platform. Your feedback is vital in guiding our development efforts. Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us as we strive to deliver the best possible experience for our users! 🚀

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