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Browsing user role mappings


User role mappings list all roles which are assigned or not assigned to a particular user in the table layout.

Browsing user role mappings - Table view


The user role mappings view offers a possibility to filter by search keyword and by the client.

Browsing user role mappings - Search by keyword

  • Search by keyword works like any other search functionality it only matches the exact keywords.

  • Filter by client lists the first five clients as a dropdown and offers the option to search for additional clients by client name.

  • It allows filtering based on a single client or multiple clients.

  • The result contains only the roles of the matching clients.

Browsing user role mappings - Search all clients

  • The clear all button can be used to clear the applied filters.


The User Role Assignments table provides the ability to sort columns in ascending or descending order.
The following columns are sortable:

  • Role

  • Client

  • Description

Assigned Action

Role Mappings table has an Assigned column that lists all assigned, not assigned, and effective roles of a user.

Toggle Button


  • An active toggle button indicates that a role is already assigned to a user.

  • An inactive toggle button indicates that a role is not yet assigned to a user.

  • A disabled toggle button indicates that a role is already effective for the user.

Next Steps

As a next step, you may want to assign roles to a user.

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