Browsing Users
In this document, you will learn how to search and browse users on the platform.
The following steps are required to browse users:
Navigate to Identify & Access and locate Users in the left sidebar
Browsing Users - Locating Users in the sidebar
When you click Users, a new page is loaded showing all currently active or inactive users of the platform.
Browsing Users - User display in the platform
The user page contains a variety of things:
Filter - The filter allows you to filter out users and find specific users with matching keyword parameters. The filter distinguishes between upper and lower case letters
Account - On the Account tab to the right of the filter you can filter out accounts that are enabled or disabled.
Verified - The verification bar allows you to filter out the accounts that have the verification status.
MFA - With MFA (multi-factor authentication), you can filter out accounts for which MFA is enabled or disabled.
Clear all - Clears all applied filters.
These filters can be applied together with the keyword to create different search patterns that might match what you are looking forUsers - The Users table contains the list of users currently on the platform. These users can be sorted in ascending or descending order, starting with the username, email, first and last name, account status, verified status, MFA status, and when the user was created.
Actions - Using the "Actions" button in the user table, you can quickly remove the user from the platform and delete their data and credentials.
Items per page - This option allows you to limit the number of users you want to see on the page without having to use the navigation arrows to the right.
Add User - By selecting this button, a new user will be created from scratch. After successful creation, the user will be listed in the "Users" table, as shown in the example image above.