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Confluence is a web-based wiki tool that allows teams to create, share, and collaborate on content in real-time. A wiki is a website that allows users to create and edit pages, making it easy for teams to organize and access information in a centralized location. With Confluence, teams can document and track their work, brainstorm ideas, share knowledge, and streamline communication, all within one platform. The platform offers a range of features, including page templates, macros, and add-ons, to help users customize their content and workflows to their specific needs.

Confluence integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products, such as Jira, Bitbucket, and Trello, to provide a comprehensive solution for project management and collaboration.

You can find more details and the supported operation on Confluence | qibb Catalog.

How to get started with Confluence integration

Before you can start using Confluence integration, you need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions. Your organization's Confluence administrator can provide you with the permissions you need. Here's how you can get started:

  1. To use Confluence integration, you'll need your Atlassian account email address and an API token for authentication. Your API token acts as a password for Confluence, so keep it safe and don't share it with others.

  2. To create an API token from your Atlassian account, log in to Atlassian's website and navigate to the API tokens page. You can find the page by going to

  3. On the API tokens page, click Create API token.

  4. Enter a memorable and concise label for your token, then click Create.

  5. Once your token has been created, click Copy to copy it to your clipboard. You can then paste it into your script or configuration file.

  6. Next, open the Node Catalog in the qibb Workflow Editor and install the Confluence node by clicking the "+" button.

  7. Replace {your-domain} in the Host field of the node with your Atlassian Site URL. Your Atlassian Site URL has the format of “”, for more information see Product and site URL | Atlassian Support.

  8. In the Advanced/Security section of the node, enter your email address in the Username field and your API token in the Password field.

Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to start using Confluence integration. If you encounter any issues or have questions, you can refer to the qibb Catalog for more information and supported operations.

Importing flow examples of a node

Once you've successfully installed a node from the qibb catalog, you can easily import example flows that showcase how the nodes can be used. These example flows are directly accessible within the Flow Editor and are designed to guide users with helpful hints, including how to configure mandatory parameters and credentials.

Here's how to import examples:

  1. In the top right corner of the Flow Editor, click on the menu icon.

  2. Select Import to open the Import Dialog.

  3. Click on the Examples tab.

  4. Choose an example from the list.

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Import button.

By following these steps, you are now ready to make basic API calls using the provided examples. For further exploration of what’s possible, you can find more complex examples in the Flow Catalog.

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