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CuttingRoom makes the process of capturing, editing, and publishing content seamless. CuttingRoom lets you capture content directly from live streams, the CuttingRoom Reporter iPhone app, or any of your connected cloud sources, and collaborate in real-time when editing. The provided integrations make it quick and easy to upload footage from your external cloud servers and publish content directly to your favorite media platforms.

The CuttingRoom API offers comprehensive documentation and guidance for developers seeking to integrate and leverage the features of the CuttingRoom platform within their applications and services.

You can find more details and the supported operations on CuttingRoom | qibb Catalog.

How to get started with CuttingRoom integration

Before you get started using CuttingRoom integration please make sure that you have the needed permission for the operations. Here you can find the CuttingRoom API Documentation.

  1. You will need your Email, Password, and Tenant for authentication. CuttingRoom Auth node will help you generate an API Key to authenticate.

  2. Go to qibb Workflow Editor, open Node Catalog in the right sidebar, and install CuttingRoom node by clicking on the + button.

  3. Drag the CuttingRoom Auth node, a CuttingRoom API node, and any other nodes you need from the left sidebar and place them in your flow.

  4. Set the Authentication Host Region, E-Mail, Password, and Tenant, needed to properly set the CuttingRoom Auth node.

  5. Set the proper region ({envName}), part of the Host URL for your desired operation, and start using the integration!

Importing flow examples of a node

Once you've successfully installed a node from the qibb catalog, you can easily import example flows that showcase how the nodes can be used. These example flows are directly accessible within the Flow Editor and are designed to guide users with helpful hints, including how to configure mandatory parameters and credentials.

Here's how to import examples:

  1. In the top right corner of the Flow Editor, click on the menu icon.

  2. Select Import to open the Import Dialog.

  3. Click on the Examples tab.

  4. Choose an example from the list.

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking on the Import button.

By following these steps, you are now ready to make basic API calls using the provided examples. For further exploration of what’s possible, you can find more complex examples in the Flow Catalog.

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