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Defining required actions which shall be performed by a user during sign in


Required actions can be enabled or disabled from the user's detail view.

Enabling or disabling required actions from user detail view

The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Users page.

  2. Select a user you want to enable for the required actions.

Defining required actions - users table view

3. Navigate to the User detail page.

  • If any of the required actions from the highlighted red box is enabled, the user will be prompted to perform the enabled action during login.

Defining required actions - user detail view

4. Toggle the button on the right to enable or disable the action the user must perform when logging in. The default setting is Disabled.

Defining required actions - Verify Email

5. After enabling the Verify Email, user will receive the following email:

Defining required actions - Update your Account mail

6. After selecting Link to account update the following page will appear.

Defining required actions - Link to account update

7. After selecting click here to proceed your account should be updated.

Defining required actions - Account has been updated

Similarly, all other required actions can be enabled or disabled in the user's detail view.

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