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Disabling the account of a user


A disabled user can not perform any action in qibb platform until it is activated by the administration.

To disable a user the steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Users page.

  2. Select a user whose account you want to deactivate.

Disable user account - users table view

2. Navigate to the user detail page.

  • the User Settings section displays whether a user is disabled or not.

Disable user account - User Status

3. Select the Edit User button from the top right corner.

Disable user account - Edit User

4. Toggle the User Enabled button to disable the user account.

Disable user account - Enable/disable a user

5. Select confirm button.

Disable user account - user edit dialog

Finally, the view is refreshed and the user status setting is set to disabled as shown below:

Disable user account - user detail view

If a disabled user tries to log in to the qibb portal now, the following message is displayed:

Disable user account - user login page

To enable a disabled account, contact the administrator.

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