Managing Apps In Space Overview
Apps can also be managed within the spaces on the Space Overview page.
To access a space, click on Manage Spaces and then select a specific space.

Figure 1: Navigate to a Space
The Space Overview without any apps in the space can be seen in Figure 2.
To add a new app, click the New App Tile located in the center of the screen or use the Add App button found in the app detail panel.

Figure 2: Space Overview without apps
Since there are currently no apps in the space, the space app grid is empty, with only the New App Tile in the top left corner of the grid. When apps are present in the space, the Space Overview will display them. This is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Space Overview with apps
To upgrade, rollback, delete an app, or access the flow editor, open the menu by clicking on the three dots located in the bottom right corner of the app tile.

Figure 4: App menu options available in the Space Overview
Adding an App
To add an app, follow the steps demonstrated in the screen recording below:
Recording 1: Demonstrates the steps to add a new app to the space
Upgrading an App
The process of upgrading an app is shown in the following screen recording:
Recording 2: Demonstrates the steps to upgrade an app
Rolling Back an App
To rollback an app to a previous version, follow the steps shown in this recording:
Recording 3: Demonstrates the steps to rollback an app.
Deleting an App
If you need to delete an app, follow the process illustrated in this recording:
Recording 4: Demonstrates the steps to delete an app