Node Overview
Node overview visualizes all the important information about a custom node in different sections. A node overview includes the following sections:
Main section
Description section
Details section
Supported Operations section
Includes section
How to install section
Links section
Related community flows section
Main Section
The main section includes the basic information about the node for example icon, category, name, tags, and publisher.

Node Overview - Main Section
Description Section
The description section visualizes the description of a node in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel. If the description content is huge then it is hidden at first and gives a possibility to the user to load more on click.

Node Overview - Description Section
Detail Section
The detail section visualizes the version and last update of a node in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel.

Node Overview - Detail Section
Supported Operations Section
The supported operations section lists the Open API operations in tabs view with a possibility to expand and collapse the supported operations section.

Node Overview - Supported Operation Section
If an Open API has more than one node then a select dropdown with the list of nodes is displayed. From the nodes dropdown, a user can select a node then the view will refresh and load the supported operations of that particular node.

Node Overview - Supported Operations With Nodes Dropdown
Includes Section
The includes section visualizes the included nodes of a node in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel. These nodes are the list of nodes that a user will get after installing the corresponding custom node.

Node Overview - Includes Section
How to Install Section
This section lists the steps required to install a node also in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel.

Node Overview - How To Install Section
Links Section
The links section visualizes a list of links of a particular node in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel. Links are clickable and will be opened in a new tab after click.

Node Overview - Links Section
Related Community Flows Section
This section visualizes the first five related flows which have at least one tag common also in an expandable and collapsable expansion panel. The flow card is clickable and redirects to the flow overview page on click.

Node Overview - Related Community Flows